Tuesday, 31 March 2015

My Favorite Pll scene

Hey guys, Another post here :)  This time is my favorite scene in pll :) Its amazing :) Hanna is Amazing :) Bet yet so is spencer :) http://www.popsugar.com/entertainment/Pretty-Little-Liars-Season-4-Finale-Recap-34389896 Just Amazeballs :)

Charles being a girl?!

Hey guys, so I have a new theory for you guys. Ok so remember back to 5B finale, the girls got locked in house or ''Doll house'' and in the doll house, the was a path, and there was a women's voice saying ''Follow the lighted pathway'' And as you know, we thought Charles was a mans/boys name. There could be a chance Charles is a girl as Charles is sort for Charlotte, which we all know is a girls name. I might just be over thinking this, but there is a change that Charles is a girl. Or maybe the voice we heard might be apart of the -A Team :) Ok, so leave your theories in the comments below.....Bye!

Monday, 30 March 2015

Season 6?

Ok so guys, Major news, i heard that we have to wait until June for season 6! I know what your thinking .... How are we going to cope with out Pll :( Anyway the good news is...Monas Alive, And i cant wait to see the liars escape from charles (-A) I am so excited for season 6 :) YAY :) But i dont know how Im going to cope without pll :( x

Pll couples?!

Hi guys, so all i have talked about on here are, ''Whos Charles!'' And theories. But this is a different post :) I just wanted to say My favorite couple on pll Is  Spoby! I love them :) But who are yours :) We all have different opinions right
? The website for this is https://www.pinterest.com/superninjaturtl/pll-couples/

Is Jason Charles?

Hi guys, so i have yet another theorie for you guys, And this maybe not that true :) But oh well ! Ok have you noticed that Charles and Jason look similar, and i know what your thinking, Yes because they are brothers, but in the video, they didn't really look that simalar,and when charles is standing by Spencer, They look very similar ! The hair is styled quite similar aswell!

Who is Charles DiLaurentis?

Hey guys welcome to my first post, as you can see im pll Obsessed ! <3 So if you haven't caught up with pll, Read no more:) Okay so in The 5B Finale, We found out that charles is -A Okay so  i have a theorie, what if The girls did something to charles DiLaurentis ''That night'' But can remember because they were drugged by Ali? Do you think Jason is Apart of the -A Team???. Who is Charles DiLaurentis?

Cece Drake's Twin??

Hello evryone :) , so I just wanted to share some theories with you guys as they could be true ♥ Okay 1.I  Think Bethany young is Alive, and apart of the -A Team.. and I think Sarah Harvey Is in her grave, as we only saw 2 dead bodies. ''That night'', I know what your thinking, who was the other dead body!?.....I think its Cece drake, and theres been somethings around saying that Marlene king tweeted  This?